About Us
The IADR Evidence-Based Dentistry Network (EBDN) is dedicated to the promotion of the principles and practice of evidence-based dentistry (EBD). The key aims of the EBDN are to:
- Provide a forum across all IADR Groups for the exchange of scientific information pertaining to all aspects of study within the field of (EBD);
- Promote the advancement of research in evidence-based dentistry, for example in the fields of research methodology, translational research, and implementation of research into clinical practice;
- Support the dissemination of (EBD) through teaching;
- Encourage and stimulate interdisciplinary communication and collaboration within the (EBD) field through networking and other activities; and
- Assist IADR in developing its scientific program and fulfilling its mission.
The EBDN is an active network of clinicians, researchers, teachers and guideline developers, who have a shared interest in promoting the use of best evidence to inform clinical practice, research and teaching. We welcome IADR members who are actively involved in the promotion and practice of (EBD), but are also keen to involve members who would like to learn more about the practice and principles of (EBD) and how it can be used to improve oral health-related outcomes.
We hope to provide an open forum in which to explore the challenges involved in practicing and teaching EBD. If you would like to know more about the network or have topic areas you would like to see discussed in future meetings/workshops/symposia, please contact our network secretary/treasurer.