About Us
Welcome to the Website for the IADR GORG. Group members possess interests in research on aging and allied fields, oral diseases and conditions including their treatment and prevention in order to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
In addition to the objectives of the IADR, the objectives of this group shall be:
- To provide a focus and forum within the IADR for the exchange of scientific information related to geriatric oral research;
- To facilitate the exchange of ideas in this field by promoting formal and informal meetings, symposia and workshops;
- To promote the publication of research findings in geriatric oral research;
- To encourage scientists, junior investigators and students to become involved in geriatric oral research via seminars and discussions; and
- To help disseminate to the dental profession and the public, research findings in this area.
Full membership is open to any IADR member in good standing who has an interest in geriatric oral research.