About Us
The purpose of the Pharmacology/Therapeutics/Toxicology Group (PTTG) is to promote and encourage research in pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutics affecting oral health. These scientific areas include a broad range of topics from principles of drug action to systemic pharmacology and toxicology; and emphasize drugs that are commonly employed in clinical practice, including precautions and contraindications, drug interactions and effects on dental treatment, drug delivery systems and their effects on oral health, as well as other subjects. The goal of the PTTG is also to serve science and scientists to exchange the knowledge of the mechanisms, efficacy, and safety of drugs used in dentistry. In practice, this encompasses basic and clinical pharmacology studies of analgesics, anesthetics, antimicrobials, sedatives, fluorides, and other drug classes used by dentists.
The Group has a membership from multiple disciplines and is active in fostering excellence in pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutics research through many mechanisms: organizing scientific posters, presentations symposia, workshops; and Lunch & Learning sessions at meetings of the International and American Associations for Dental Research (IADR/AADOCR); rewarding outstanding contributions in the Groups’ scientific area; organizing social events in conjunction with the scientific programs that are sponsored; assisting IADR/AADOCR in developing plans for their annual meetings, maintaining a Web page on the IADR website describing Group activities; and interacting with IADR on many levels.