Born July 19, 1926, Ashland, Kentucky, USA
Died October 13, 2016, San Rafael, California, USA
In Memoriam
J Dent Res 36(1):5-7, 2017
Inaugural Address delivered at Glasgow, Scotland
"Toward a 'More Perfect Service to Humanity'"
J Dent Res 71(10), 1642-1643, 1992
- USPHS Hospital, Chicago, 1952-53
- USPHS Hospital, San Francisco, 1953-54
- Asst. Regional Dental Consultant, Region IX, San Francisco, 1954-56
- USPHS, Washington, DC, Asst. to Chief Dental Officer, 1958-60
- Epidemiology Program, Dental Health Center, Chief, 1961-66
- Division of Dental Health, Deputy Director, 1966-70
- Division of Dental Health, Director, 1970-73
- Bureau of Health Resources Development, Acting Director/Director, 1973-75
- USPHS, Chief Dental Officer, 1974-81
- Deputy Surgeon General, 1978-81
- University of California, San Francisco, School of Dentistry, Professor and Dean, 1981-1994
- University of California, San Francisco, Professor and Dean Emeritus, 1994