Born September 18, 1888, Albany, New York, USA
Died January 10, 1980
In Memoriam
J Dent Res 60: 866, 1981
Inaugural Address delivered at Chicago, March 18, 1934
(not printed, but cited J Dent Res 14: 187, 1934)
Farewell Address delivered at Chicago, March 17, 1935.
"Relation of IADR to Relation of IADR to J Dent Res, indexing of dental literature, public welfare, and the welfare of dentistryindexing of dental literature, public welfare, and the welfare of dentistry"
J Dent Res 15: 140-147, 1935-36
- Chairman, Council on Dental Research, American Dental Association, 1931-46
- University of Pennsylvania School of Dentistry, 1914-59
Professor & Chairman, Department of Bacteriology