View Committee Officers
The Annual Session Committee manages the overall planning of the General Session program, including the timing and sequence of activities, assist in the identification of potential meeting sites, establishing the theme, symposia, workshops, etc., for the General Session.
The Awards Review Committee arranges the program of the IADR Hatton Competition at the annual General Session and to select winners to receive the awards. The Awards Review Committee will also review the Research in Prevention Travel Award abstracts and select recipients before the annual General Session.
The Constitution Committee reviews the Constitution and Bylaws, advises the Council regarding essential revisions, and monitors compliance of the activities of the Association with the Constitution.
The function of the Distinguished Scientist Awards Committee is to make recommendations to the Board on (a) administration of the science awards program and (b) the selection of the Distinguished Scientist Awards recipients.
The Ethics Committee disseminates the IADR Code of Ethics to Divisional Committees on Ethics and to sponsor education programs through symposia and workshops on ethical conduct in research. The Ethics Committee shall also serve in an advisory capacity to the IADR Board on ethical issues.
The Fellowships Committee advertises, receives, and judges applications for fellowships; recommend policy or policy changes on newly proposed or currently sponsored fellowships; and assist in raising funds for new fellowships.
One Honorary Membership may be bestowed each year by unanimous recommendation of the three most recent living Past Presidents of the Association no longer serving on the Board of Directors. Such Honorary Members shall have all the rights and privileges of membership and may, on request, receive complimentary copies of the Journal of Dental Research.
Innovation in Oral Care Awards Committee reviews and selects recipients of the IADR Innovation in Oral Care Awards (sponsored by IADR and Haleon) before the General Session.
The Joseph Lister Award for New Investigators Committee selects finalists for 2021 competition and serve as onsite Judges for oral presentation competition.
Abstracts submitted for the IADR General Session (or IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session in joint meeting years) for the IADR KULZER Travel Award are scored by the Abstract Reviewers. Those scores are then sent to the committee of six members, made up of members of the IADR Dental Materials Group.
The Membership & Recruitment Committee develops plans and strategies for the recruitment of new members and retention of existing members of the Association. This committee will also consider the development of programs to attract new members and Sections in countries where IADR has not been very active.
The Nominating Committee advise the Council on the selection of nominees for the various offices of the Association.
Regional Development Program Committee advises the Board of Directors on the management and direction of the Regional Development Program through evaluation and selection of proposals from Divisions/Sections to undertake programs on oral health research and clinical applications thereof in and for the benefit of developing regions of the world.
The Science Information Committee develops programs for promoting to the public and the dental profession knowledge resulting from dental, oral and craniofacial research, including policy statements, position papers, and white papers.
The Young Investigator Award Committee members serve a three-year term, to ensure proper representation of the various disciplines for this award.
The Publications Committee’s role is to review the quality and financial status of the Journal of Dental Research and other journals owned jointly by IADR/AADOCR. Membership consists of: three representatives from IADR; three representatives from AADOCR; most recent Past Presidents of IADR and AADOCR no longer serving on the Boards, who alternately serve as Chairs of the Committee. The Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors(s) of all jointly owned journals and Chief Executive Officer shall serve as members without vote.
The Tellers Committee tallies the votes of the membership of both IADR and AADOCR for elected positions, Constitutional amendments, and any other such business as shall be determined by Council.
The William J. Gies Awards Committee selects annually the best paper(s) published in the IADR/AADOCR jointly owned Journal of Dental Research, one in each of the three categories, Biological, Biomaterials & Bioengineering, and Clinical.
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